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Training for Safeguarding Leads

Wolverhampton Safeguarding Together Partnership encourages every organisation large or small to identify a person/s to take the on the role of safeguarding lead. This person/s will be the link for any safeguarding concerns, supporting others within the organisation and acting as a champion for raising awareness of safeguarding information. The safeguarding lead is expected to have undertaken the following courses as a minimum.

Children’s Workforce

Shared Responsibility - one day course (Children)

Working Together - one day course (Children) Please note, A Shared Responsibility must be completed before attending Working Together

Thresholds to Support - two-hour briefing (Children)

You are required to refresh your training every 2 years - if you are due a refresh please book onto the Safeguarding Leads 2 year update as this includes all relevant changes. Please do not rebook the core training sessions

For more information about the roles and responsibilities of Safeguarding Children Leads, see below:

Keeping Children Safe in Education - Annex C, Page 163

NSPCC Nominated Child Protection or Safeguarding Lead


 Adults Workforce

Safeguarding Adults (Part 1 and 2) covering Making Safeguarding Personal and Section 42 Investigations. Two full day training course - attendance at both sessions required.


Our Partners


© 2020 Wolverhampton Safeguarding Together

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