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What is Domestic Abuse? The term Domestic Abuse is used to describe anything from emotional abuse and financial abuse to sexual abuse, intimidation, isolation and/or threats.

This can mean:

  • Putting the person down or making the victim feel bad about themselves
  • Playing mind-games and making the person feel they are stupid or going mad
  • Enforced isolation from family or friends
  • Trying to keep the person from getting a job
  • Making the person ask for money or withholding money
  • Actual or threatened physical harm
  • Making another person do sexual things against their will
  • Making someone afraid by smashing things and destroying things
  • Making or carrying out threats to hurt someone emotionally - threatening to take the children away or commit suicide

If you are a parent experiencing Domestic Abuse you may have many concerns over your children, including being:

  • Worried that you will be prevented from taking your children with you if you leave a violent relationship
  • Worried over contact your children may have with the abuser
  • Worried that you need financial or practical support to look after your children
  • Worried that your children have been traumatised by Domestic Abuse and want extra support for them
  • Worried that your children may be abducted.

If you are affected by Domestic Abuse, you are not alone. You can talk over these concerns, confidentially, with a number of specialist, sensitive services who won't judge you because of what you say or force you to make a decision you do not want to make.

It is important to remember that the abuse you have experienced, and your children have been exposed to, is not your fault.

In an emergency call 999

 The Haven Wolverhampton aims to provide quality and sensitive services to women and any dependent children who are affected by Domestic Abuse and Homelessness and in need of safety, shelter, stability and support within an environment of equality, dignity and respect.

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