If you don't feel safe, find someone you trust to talk to about how you are feeling, or use one of the contact numbers below.

1. Talk to someone you trust - a friend, a relative, a carer, or the person in charge of your care (whether the care is being provided to you at home or in a hospital or a residential care home).

2. Phone  01902 551199 -  and tell the operator you don't feel safe. this is the Council's  safeguarding helpline.

3. Police - phone 999 in an emergency or phone 101 if you don't feel safe but are not in immediate danger

4. Phone Action on Elder Abuse national helpline 0800 0699 784

5. Phone Age UK helpline 0800 055 6112

6. Phone the Ann Craft Trust 0115 951 5400 if you are worried or need advice

7. Phone Stop Hate UK on 0800 138 1625 if you have been a victim of hate crime - when someone has done something to harm, scare or upset.

8. Contact Healthwatch Wolverhampton on 0800 470 1944. They can help you if you are having, or have had, any concerns about health or social care services or signpost you to other relevant services if you are unsure of where to turn.

 Remember, abuse is always wrong and it is never your fault!

You may be unsure about whether what is happening to you counts as abuse or neglect.

However, if you do have a feeling that things aren't right, or you feel uncomfortable with what's happening, or you are frightened of someone don't keep it to yourself.