There are a number of different types of abuse including:


Abuse is always wrong and it is never your fault.

If you are being abused or are worried that you or someone you know is being abused tell someone you trust about it or Report It!


More details about the different types of abuse can be found below. 

Physical abuse

This is when someone physically hurts you

This can include:

Domestic violence

If someone you are or have been in an intimate relationship with (like your boyfriend or girlfiriend, your partner or husband or wife) or a family member uses their power to control, hurt or frighten you.

This can include:

Sexual abuse and sexual exploitation

This is when someone touches your body or private parts of your body in ways that you do not like or want and have not agreed to.

It also happens when someone else makes you do things that you have not agreed to and makes you feel frightened.

This can include someone:

Emotional abuse

This is when people say or do things to hurt your feelings, shout at you or threaten you.

This can include:

Financial abuse

This is when someone takes your money or belongings without asking.

This can be when someone:

Click here for Financial Scamming - A Brief Guide

Modern slavery

This is when someone uses their power over you and treats you in a way that they own you.

This can include:

Discriminatory abuse

This is when people treat you unfairly because you are different to them.

This could be because you:

Organisational abuse

This is when paid staff in a hospital, care home, a supported living setting, or your own home do not care for you in a way that respects your rights or individual views.

This can be when:


This is when people who are there to help you do not look after you properly, or provide the support that you need.

This can include:

Self neglect

This is when people are concerned about the decisions you are making about how you live your life, which have a direct impact on your safety and wellbeing.

This can include people being concerned that you are:

This does not mean you cannot make decisions about how to live your life.

Click here for Adult Self Neglect Practice Guidance