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A Child Protection Conference is a meeting that follows a Child Protection Enquiry if the social worker is still worried that your child/children is at risk of being harmed.

You will be invited to attend the meeting and will be asked to say what you think about the concerns and you will be able to ask questions of the professionals. You can bring someone with you to support you if you wish.

If they are old enough to understand, your children might be invited too.

The meeting is chaired by an independent person. It is their job to make sure the meeting is fair and that everyone can safely share their views. Sometimes parents may be asked to leave for a while, if there is information that cannot be shared for legal reasons. The chairperson will meet you before the meeting to explain how the meeting will work and to make sure you feel able to say what you think.

If you cannot attend the meeting, you can share your views with the chair in writing or by telephone in advance and the chairperson will make sure these views are shared in the meeting.

The professionals will decide whether or not your child needs a Child Protection Plan. This plan will outline what needs to happen to make your child safe. The plan will also say what might happen the plan isn’t working.

If your child is made subject to Child Protection Plan, there will be review meeting after three months to see if progress has been made and whether a Plan is still needed.

You will get a record of the meeting afterwards.