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I work with adults with care and support needs

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Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility!

However, it is also true to say that safeguarding is a particular responsibility for anyone who works with people, or who works in an organisation that provides services for people.

Everyone has a right to live in a world free from abuse and neglect. We also all have the right to be treated fairly, with dignity and respect.

Safeguarding adults is about preventing and responding to the abuse or neglect of adults with care and support needs in Wolverhampton.

The Safeguarding Adults Board aims to work with local people and our partners so that adults with care and support needs are safe and able to protect themselves from abuse and neglect.

A person might need care and support to help them:

  • get out of bed, get dressed or washed
  • eat or cook meals
  • to see family or friends
  • manage health problems, including mental health difficulties
  • know when they're not safe and / or what to do when they don't feel safe

Safeguarding adults is governed by the Care Act 2014 explained in the short video below.

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