Join us in raising awareness of CSE Day Read More ..

1. Use campaign materials at on your website / social media an dispaly posters in your building.

2. Join the Thunderclap - 
It’s easy to be a part of STOP CSE Thunderclap. Visit the Thunderclap website to register and at 12:00 on the 18 March, you’ll be a part of the biggest STOP CSE social shout 2017 has seen.

“Say Something if you See Something! Adopt a zero tolerance against sexual abuse through exploitation. #CSEDay17

3. Use the The hash tag to use is #helpinghands & #STOPCSEwriting on your hand exactly how your team is going to do to help stop CSE. 

4. Twitter - Add a 'Twibbon' to your Twitter account - WM Police have a Twibbon ready for you to add to put a banner on your current Twitter photo in support of CSE awareness day.

 WMP Downloadable posters  for display are also available below -

Know the signs (boy)

Know the signs (girl)

CSE - The Boy - Parents

CSE - The Girl Parents

CSE - The Girl - Friend

CSE - The Boy - Friend