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Key to our approach to supporting children and young people in Wolverhampton is a commitment to early help through a range of evidence based interventions. Early Help is a collaborative approach not a service and should not be confused with the Council's Early Intervention Service. Early Help and our Think Family approach go hand-in-hand.

Thresholds of Need and Support in Wolverhampton

This sets out the role and processes around universal support, single-agency Early Help, multi-agency Early Help, and support from specialist services. It also gives indications of the level of need that can be managed by each level of support.

The Thresholds document encourages conversations between practitioners both within their agency, amongst colleagues in Teams Around the Family (TAF), and with colleagues from agencies offering different levels of support.

Strengthening Families Hubs will lead on the multi-agency Supporting Families Pathway until completion of the first Team Around the Family (TAF) meeting. This will include convening a family meeting.

Anyone who is unsure of how best to manage the risks and support for a family should phone the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on  01902 555392

Early Help Leaflet for Families



Eclipse is the online Early Help Assessment tool which enables an assessment of the whole family to be recorded with the family's consent.

Access to Eclipse is available to external agencies, dependent upon role.  Please ask your manager to complete the Eclipse New User Access Form and return as detailed within the document. If you experience any difficulties using Eclipse, please email SCS@wolverhampton.gov.uk  or call 01902 558000 and select option 2.

Involvement of Community Health Services

To find out if Universal Community Health Services (Health Visitors / Midwives / School Nurses) are supporting a particular child / young person / family contact the relevant service using the contact details on the relevant Wolverhampton Information Network page see below:

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